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Bridge Campus for Global Impact, Training Church Leaders in the Gospel with NationsUniversity

BRIDGE CAMPUS for global impact

"empowering the local church to be the catalyst
of mercy in their community."

     Technology, at whatever level, is a tool and when used correctly can greatly enhance communication for teaching, instruction, correction, and accountability.
Because the internet is more accessible than ever before, MERCY PARTNERS duplicates discipleship abilities through email, which allows us to send out fifty-two weeks of discipleship lessons to South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Netherlands, the Dutch West Indies, and the United States at weekly intervals. MERCY PARTNERS' Mango Discipleship has targeted specific discipleship needs while weaving awareness of the church's prayer request to a global family like none other.

Since 2019, we've partnered with NATIONSUNIVERSITY® to implement accredited academics in Bible, Theology, and Christian Ministry. Our students are able to receive certificates, as well as associate's and bachelor's degrees through Bridge Campus Online. In the winter of 2021, we saw our first two students graduate with their Certificates in Biblical studies.



We began Bridge Campus in East Africa to build leaders who address issues in their culture, and now we must not neglect the same work in our own U.S. culture. Over the past few years, we have gathered information on leadership needs in the United States. Our findings demonstrate that our Bridge Campus approach toward leadership development is not limited to Africa but can produce needed leadership results in the United States. 


Mercy Partners' Directors voted and approved Bridge Campus U.S. Thanks to Tom and Sandie Kilian, who have granted half of their land to host the campus to form leaders for the new tomorrow. 

Our ambition is to train missionaries stateside at the U.S. Bridge Campus. This will be possible as the Lord enables our partners to get on board. We hope to train 60 missionaries in our mission approach so they, too, may work with native evangelists. Our need is simple: The more funding we have, the more impact we can make together.



Over the past decade, we have planted 6 churches. With certain African governments attempting to prevent theological confusion among their people, evangelists are required to hold a Theological background that our evangelists will now have due to our partnership with NATIONSUNIVERSITY®. Our physical Bridge Campus, East Africa, paired with online academics provided by NATIONSUNIVERSITY® has made it easy to transfer our methodology of Bridging Cultures to the next generation.





“My study at Bridge Campus has equipped me with biblical knowledge and skill for working with other believers who have the mind of Christ in fulfilling the great commission. I would love for partners to know that God is alive, He is working and He is saving the lives of many through the gospel which is being preached. Mercy Partners’ Bridge Campus is one of the spiritual vehicles carrying this message (gospel) to places unreached, to the broken, and to those who have suffered the worst in life. We seek to see both physical and spiritual change in the lives of those we serve and we believe that working together and walking in faith shall enable us to achieve our calling in the Lord Jesus Christ.” — Evg. David

“Mercy Partners' Bridge Campus has enabled me to teach the Word of God with authority since the knowledge gained on the Greek New Testament has encouraged my confidence as I can divide the Word of God rightly. In addition, the physical campus has been a great tool where we could do our exams without interruption, making learning achievable. I would love to encourage all partners that every effort they make is not in vain. Mercy Partners Bridge Campus has dramatically improved our ministry and lives as well. We are bridging cultures for Christ together!” — Evg. James

Pastors studying Bible during Church Leader conference Ethiopia, South Sudan, Mercy Partners

Become an anchor partner for Biblical education.

Because the internet is more accessible than ever before, MERCY PARTNERS has duplicated our discipleship ability through the internet.  At weekly intervals, we send out fifty-two weeks of discipleship lessons to South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, the Netherlands, the Dutch West Indies, and the United States. MERCY PARTNERS Mango Discipleship has targeted specific discipleship needs while weaving awareness of the church's prayer request to a global family like none other.
We are training disciples, aid workers, missionaries, and church leaders are through a physical campus and online presence. “MERCY PARTNERS BRIDGE CAMPUS FOR GLOBAL IMPACT” is designed with modules, curriculum, and practical skills training to harvest a new crop of kingdom workers that are ready to engage the future world. A new teaching module is ready to come online within 90 days of a partner underwriting this need. Please get in touch with us to join in on the work.

Sandie Kilian of Mercy Partners baptizing, baptism, in Uganda

Underwrite our curriculum for print

Tom Kilian writes: “I noticed that western culturalization began to influence the orphans. Teachings on women empowerment had been led by Western women who felt as though they themselves had been victims. This can further embed a mindset of being a victim and cause an out-of-balance wobble in compassionate care. The boys on the compound harbored resentment and I did my best to reconcile the gender gap. I designed character lessons to address gender reconciliation. Later this concept would resurface as a core program of our mission work.” Sandie Kilian’s exposure to the girlhood town of celebrated Christian survivor of the holocaust, Corrie Ten Boom has further fueled lessons on reconciliation that Sandie has also compiled to address what Tom & Sandie refer to as gender reconciliation. By teaching God's intention for gender to both males and females there is healing.  By contributing to this sphere of work, you enable us to produce a curriculum for print and enable us to teach.  

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Dynamics of the undeveloped world have outpaced our traditional strategy of language translation. South Sudan is not an exception when 26 developing nations in Africa have also adopted English as their language. While the majority of generations are plowing into the future, there remains a remnant attached as a bridge to the rich culture and history of their people group. The elderly generation not only needs the vital information we have about their loving heavenly Father, but they also enrich the lives of the youth. Sensitivity towards the generation gap leads us to empower natives in reaching their elderly in spoken language. Translation comes best from the native people of their tribe. Many of our teachings are adapted by young natives to address generational language gaps and our list of translated lessons is growing. Communication tools and cost, printing and publication materials make the work possible. 

Translation, Bible, Tom Kilian at South Sudan, Mercy Partners
Church, Pastor Conference Training in Ethiopia in 2012, hosted by Mercy Partners and Sudan African Mission

Our core work is helping church leaders to follow the example of scripture, mainly: 2 Timothy 2:15 - "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Fund the cost of a workshop for a church leader

MERCY PARTNERS host leadership conferences in North and East Africa as well as workshops for church leaders and missionaries in North America. Disciples discuss Personal Spiritual Life and the New Testament Church. Some areas we train in are located in villages that have served as incubators for radical religions that oppose Christ.

Training in Biblical authority and rightly dividing the scriptures is greatly needed. MERCY PARTNERS relies on partnering with native evangelists and near culture missionaries to replicate what we refer to as “Bridge Missions” (as exemplified in Acts 11). Teaching the next generation and helping them to sharpen their Bible knowledge is on the front line of Kingdom work.

Donate Bridge Campus
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"It started with giving a hand up, rather than a hand out" - Tom Kilian

Every relational interaction we have (whether formal or informal) is an opportunity for an organization to express further its intent to grow bonds. Many times an organization or ministry will rise and fall depending on the relationships we create.


     Our test of fellowship as Christians is recorded in 1 John 4, what some refer to as the “Target of Truth.” There are five principles: 1) God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are equal and one, 2) Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3) the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (our sanctification and validation [promise]), 4) the authority of Scripture, and 5) to love one another.


The Bible is the all-sufficient guide to becoming a friend of God and maintaining that friendship, both individually and corporately.


Tom Kilian of Mercy Partners teaching in Uganda during hosted church leadership training and conference

The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, created the passage that all humanity can unite with their creator. Only when we die to self and submit to being buried with Christ (Romans 6:4) that we receive salvation and God's indwelling Holy Spirit. This burial is physical and spiritual at the same time, the physical immersion of the body led by the submitting of the human will. When we are immersed, we are saved from sin and enter a covenant, an agreement, as we continue to submit to God's Holy Spirit, which guides us in all truth. Outside of this death, there is no entry or identity in Christ Jesus. 


Our Collaborative Partners

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Serving the victims of conflict in:

Darfur, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Ukraine

Growing the Church through practical means in:

Kenya, Indonesia

Connecting resources with Gospel opportunities in:

Romania, Netherlands, Dutch West Indies, Iceland



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Chatham VA




Our Mission

Mercy Partners is a Christian charity providing aid in conflict zones. Making God's grace evident by creating service programs that foster immediate care, sustainable aid, education, and discipleship training of native evangelists to care for their local people as equal partners.


Executive Director
Tom Kilian

Board of Directors
Kurtis Kight
Warren Grubbs

Gene Woolard

Administrative Assistant
Sandie Kilian


Keith Wood


Virginia Charitable Organization ID



NC Secretary of State License

Certification #L201300700001
North Carolina  Trademark
Class 41 Education
Registration T-20784
USA Trademark Office
#4,256,430 class 36
Humanitarian Aid
EIN #45-2834265

Statement of Faith


The Bible is the all-sufficient guide to becoming a friend of God and maintaining that friendship, both individually and corporately.

• The Death, Burial and Resurrection of God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, created the passage that all mankind can unite with their creator.


• It is only when we die to self and submit to being buried with Christ, (Rom 6:4) that we receive salvation and God's indwelling Holy Spirit.

• This burial is physical and spiritual at the same time, the physical immersion of the body led by the submitting of the human will. When we are immersed, we are saved from sin and enter a covenant, an agreement, as we continue to submit to God's Holy Spirit which guides us in all truth. Outside of this death, there is no entry or identity in Christ Jesus. 

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