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Emotions, Trump, Truth, & Terror

Writer's picture: Tom KilianTom Kilian

Pictured is MERCY PARTNERS' outreach to Internally Displaced in Juba, South Sudan.


We are getting much mal-information that will soon cause discomforting situations for Americans abroad. I'm hoping that folks read this to calm things down. Trump did not implement a ban on Muslim immigration. Instead, he signed an executive order aimed directly at limiting immigration from jihadist conflict zones.

The order temporarily halts refugee admissions for 120 days to improve the vetting process, then caps refugee admissions at 50,000 per year (same annual amount as the Obama administration, but twice as much as the Bush administration).

The order imposes a temporary, 90-day ban on people entering the U.S. from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. These are countries either torn apart by jihadist violence or under the control of hostile, jihadist governments.

MERCY PARTNERS is confronting the refugee crisis at the start-among IDP's (Internally Displaced Persons), so they don't become refugees. You could say we are "Changing hearts in hostile countries." I have not met a displaced person who does not desire to return to where they were born. It is only that their land is war-torn or collapsed.

We request that our Christian brothers and sisters be diligent in showing dignity to all people and understand that our world's dynamics have changed. — It is the immigrants who reach distant shores in huddled masses who yearn to breathe free, though it may be different for others, those who desire to impose their rule and law, culture, and country. I believe that the new immigration policy is designed to separate the huddled from those who would harm.

Please consider the content of what you share, post, and incite. Mal-information can have devastating consequences.


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Mercy Partners, food aid, famine relief, Africa, blog, Tom Kilian of Mercy Partners writes about the impact of small humanitarian aid efforts and projects
Tom Kilian, Founder


Tom was born in South Amboy, New Jersey, and grew up in North Carolina. At age eighteen he was selected for the scientific expedition, "Operation Raleigh" Australia Expedition 9a 1986 (a project spearheaded by Prince Charles of Wales). He pursued theological studies in Elizabeth City, NC where he had met his wife, Sandie. Being an ordained minister, Kilian preached in churches within three states. He studied art at the College of the Albemarle and held craftsmen jobs. Kilian initially used his creativity to raise awareness about the Darfur Genocide by creating an art exhibit in 2008. His initial ambition was to raise support for a project on the border of Darfur.  

    He created the "Darfur Monument" with the vision that proceeds could be used for funding an orphanage or hospital. Humanitarian groups took an interest, inviting Kilian to partner with them so that the plan could be realized. Kilian took an invitation and traveled to Darfur.     

     While working with Darfur's displaced children, Kilian concluded that education itself is not the solution. A "wholistic" approach that provides spiritual, mental and physical healing coupled with tools for self-sufficiency would be a fit pattern to "change the world one life at a time." In 2010, Kilian redirected his efforts to form the charitable, humanitarian organization, "MERCY PARTNERS" which he is currently the Executive Director of.

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Darfur, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Ukraine

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Kenya, Indonesia

Connecting resources with Gospel opportunities in:

Romania, Netherlands, Dutch West Indies, Iceland



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Our Mission

Mercy Partners is a Christian charity providing aid in conflict zones. Making God's grace evident by creating service programs that foster immediate care, sustainable aid, education, and discipleship training of native evangelists to care for their local people as equal partners.


Executive Director
Tom Kilian

Board of Directors
Kurtis Kight
Warren Grubbs

Gene Woolard

Administrative Assistant
Sandie Kilian


Keith Wood


Virginia Charitable Organization ID



NC Secretary of State License

Certification #L201300700001
North Carolina  Trademark
Class 41 Education
Registration T-20784
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#4,256,430 class 36
Humanitarian Aid
EIN #45-2834265

Statement of Faith


The Bible is the all-sufficient guide to becoming a friend of God and maintaining that friendship, both individually and corporately.

• The Death, Burial and Resurrection of God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, created the passage that all mankind can unite with their creator.


• It is only when we die to self and submit to being buried with Christ, (Rom 6:4) that we receive salvation and God's indwelling Holy Spirit.

• This burial is physical and spiritual at the same time, the physical immersion of the body led by the submitting of the human will. When we are immersed, we are saved from sin and enter a covenant, an agreement, as we continue to submit to God's Holy Spirit which guides us in all truth. Outside of this death, there is no entry or identity in Christ Jesus. 

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